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Welcome to this forum.

We can discuss the following topics:


Maintenance roles:


Asset reliability practitioner – advocate:

arp-advocate_R00 Index

arp-advocate_R01 Getting started

arp-advocate_R02 What are the benefits

arp-advocate_R03 Implementation strategy

arp-advocate_R04 Assessing the value

arp-advocate_R05 Selling to senior management

arp-advocate_R06 Establishing the strategy

arp-advocate_R07 Plantwide engagement

arp-advocate_R08 Control

arp-advocate_R09 Defect elimination

arp-advocate_R10 Understanding failure

arp-advocate_R11 Asset strategy

arp-advocate_R12 Work management

arp-advocate_R13 Spares management

arp-advocate_R14 Precision work

arp-advocate_R15 Proactive asset care

arp-advocate_R16 Condition monitoring

arp-advocate_R17 Continuous improvement


Asset Reliability Practitioner – engineer:

arp-engineer_R00 Index

arp-engineer_R01 Introduction

arp-engineer_R02 Culture change

arp-engineer_R03 Training and skills assessment

arp-engineer_R04 Risk and consequences

arp-engineer_R05 Likelihood and detectability

arp-engineer_R06 Reliability data analysis

arp-engineer_R07 Asset criticality ranking

arp-engineer_R08 Pareto analysis

arp-engineer_R09 Defect elimination

arp-engineer_R10 Minimize life cycle cost

arp-engineer_R11 Operations and reliability

arp-engineer_R12 Asset strategy development

arp-engineer_R13 Master asset list and bill of materials

arp-engineer_R14 Fault tree analysis

arp-engineer_R15 Failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA)

arp-engineer_R16 Reliability centered maintenance

arp-engineer_R17 Preventive maintenance optimization

arp-engineer_R18 Root cause failure analysis

arp-engineer_R19 Work management

arp-engineer_R20 Spares and material management

arp-engineer_R21 Precision lubrication and contamination control

arp-engineer_R22 Precision shaft alignment

arp-engineer_R23 Precision rotor balancing

arp-engineer_R24 Precision mechanical and electrical fastening

arp-engineer_R25 5S and visual workplace

arp-engineer_R26 Vibration analysis

arp-engineer_R27 Ultrasound

arp-engineer_R28 Oil analysis

arp-engineer_R29 Infrared thermography

arp-engineer_R30 Inspections performance and NDT

arp-engineer_R31 Electrical equipment

arp-engineer_R32 Continuous improvement Kaizen


Asset Reliability Practitioner – Leader:

arp-leader_R00 Index

arp-leader_R01 Getting started

arp-leader_R02 Implementation

arp-leader_R03 The economics of reliability

arp-leader_R04 The value of reliability

arp-leader_R05 Value (phase one)

arp-leader_R06 Strategy (phase two)

arp-leader_R07 Psychology of reliability

arp-leader_R08 Human error and human performance management

arp-leader_R09 Culture change

arp-leader_R10 People (phase three)

arp-leader_R11 Control (phase four)

arp-leader_R12 Acquire (phase five)

arp-leader_R13 Discipline (phase six)

arp-leader_R14 Care (phase seven)

arp-leader_R15 Analytics (phase eight)

arp-leader_R16 EOL - End of Life (phase nine)

arp-leader_R17 Optimize (phase ten)


Condition Monitoring Technologies – Infrared Thermography (CAT I Certification Level):

cm_infrared_cat1_00 Index

cm_infrared_cat1_01 Overview

cm_infrared_cat1_02 Introduction to condition monitoring

cm_infrared_cat1_03 Principles of Infrared Thermography

cm_infrared_cat1_04 Equipment and data acquisition

cm_infrared_cat1_05 Error source recognition, prevention, and control

cm_infrared_cat1_06 From theory to practice

cm_infrared_cat1_07 General industrial applications

cm_infrared_cat1_08 Safety

cm_infrared_cat1_09 General image interpretation guidelines

cm_infrared_cat1_10 Reporting


Condition Monitoring Technologies – Ultrasound (CAT I Certification Level):

cm_ultrasound_cat1_00 Index

cm_ultrasound_cat1_01 Overview

cm_ultrasound_cat1_02 Introduction to condition monitoring

cm_ultrasound_cat1_03 Introduction to sound theory

cm_ultrasound_cat1_04 Propagation of sound

cm_ultrasound_cat1_05 Introduction to ultrasound testing

cm_ultrasound_cat1_06 Airborne leaks and leak detection

cm_ultrasound_cat1_07 Steam systems and steam trap testing

cm_ultrasound_cat1_08 Valves and valve testing

cm_ultrasound_cat1_09 Hydraulics and hydraulic system testing

cm_ultrasound_cat1_10 Electrical systems and testing

cm_ultrasound_cat1_11 Bearings and bearing fault detection

cm_ultrasound_cat1_12 Bearing lubrication

cm_ultrasound_cat1_13 Mechanical inspection

cm_ultrasound_cat1_14 Tightness and integrity

cm_ultrasound_cat1_15 Reporting


Condition Monitoring Technologies – Vibration Analysis:

Introduction in Vibration Analysis


Vibration Analysis CAT I Certification Level:

cm_vibration_cat1_00 Index

cm_vibration_cat1_01 Maintenance practices

cm_vibration_cat1_02 Condition monitoring

cm_vibration_cat1_03 Principles of vibration

cm_vibration_cat1_04 Data acquisition

cm_vibration_cat1_05 Signal processing

cm_vibration_cat1_06 Vibration analysis

cm_vibration_cat1_07 Fault diagnosis and correction

cm_vibration_cat1_08 Setting alarm limits

cm_vibration_cat1_AppA Equipment knowledge


Vibration Analysis CAT II Certification Level:

cm_vibration_cat2_00 Index

cm_vibration_cat2_01 Principles of vibration

cm_vibration_cat2_02 Understanding Signals

cm_vibration_cat2_03 Signal processing

cm_vibration_cat2_04 Time waveform analysis

cm_vibration_cat2_05 Data acquisition

cm_vibration_cat2_06 Vibration analysis process

cm_vibration_cat2_07 Diagnosing unbalance

cm_vibration_cat2_08 Balancing rotating machinery

cm_vibration_cat2_09 Diagnosing misalignment

cm_vibration_cat2_10 Shaft alignment

cm_vibration_cat2_11 Diagnosing looseness

cm_vibration_cat2_12 Belt drive analysis

cm_vibration_cat2_13 Rolling element bearing analysis

cm_vibration_cat2_14 Electric motor analysis

cm_vibration_cat2_15 Gearbox analysis

cm_vibration_cat2_16 Pumps, fans and compressors

cm_vibration_cat2_17 Natural frequencies and resonance

cm_vibration_cat2_18 Setting alarm limits

cm_vibration_cat2_19 Acceptance testing


Vibration Analysis CAT III Certification Level:

cm_vibration_cat3_00 Index

cm_vibration_cat3_01 Condition monitoring program

cm_vibration_cat3_02 Condition monitoring technologies

cm_vibration_cat3_03 Signal processing

cm_vibration_cat3_04 Time waveform analysis

cm_vibration_cat3_05 Phase analysis

cm_vibration_cat3_06 System dynamics

cm_vibration_cat3_07 Natural frequencies and resonances

cm_vibration_cat3_08 Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) analysis

cm_vibration_cat3_09 Modal analysis

cm_vibration_cat3_10 Dealing with resonances

cm_vibration_cat3_11 Rolling element bearing analysis

cm_vibration_cat3_12 Journal bearing analysis

cm_vibration_cat3_13 Electric motor analysis

cm_vibration_cat3_14 Pumps, fans and compressors

cm_vibration_cat3_15 Gearbox analysis

cm_vibration_cat3_16 Balancing rotating machinery

cm_vibration_cat3_17 Shaft alignment

cm_vibration_cat3_18 Statistical alarm generation


Lubrication (CAT I Certification Level):

lubrication_cat1_00 Index

lubrication_cat1_01 Maintenance strategies and the role of machine lubrication

lubrication_cat1_02 The science of machinery lubrication

lubrication_cat1_03 Lubricant composition

lubrication_cat1_04 Lubricant performance properties

lubrication_cat1_05 Lubricant selection

lubrication_cat1_06 Lubricant application

lubrication_cat1_07 Lubricant contamination and condition control

lubrication_cat1_08 Lubricant storage and handling

lubrication_cat1_09 Lubricant sampling and analysis


Precision Alignment:


precision_alignment_00 Index

precision_alignment_01 Introduction

precision_alignment_02 Alignment Mathematics

precision_alignment_03 Dial Indicator Alignment

precision_alignment_04 Pre-alignment Checks

precision_alignment_05 Soft Foot Detection and Correction

precision_alignment_06 Rim-face Method

precision_alignment_07 Reverse Dial Method

precision_alignment_08 Laser Alignment

precision_alignment_09 Moving the Machine

precision_alignment_10 Dynamic and Thermal Growth

precision_alignment_11 Machine Train Alignment


Precision Balancing:

precision_balancing_00 Index

precision_balancing_01 Introduction to balancing

precision_balancing_02 Balancing and the ISO standards

precision_balancing_03 What is “unbalance”

precision_balancing_04 Why balance a machine

precision_balancing_05 What causes machines to be unbalanced

precision_balancing_06 Understanding phase

precision_balancing_07 Phase conventions

precision_balancing_08 Advanced phase

precision_balancing_09 Understanding vectors

precision_balancing_10 Terminology

precision_balancing_11 Balancing theory

precision_balancing_12 Different types of unbalance

precision_balancing_13 Diagnosing unbalance

precision_balancing_14 Confusing unbalance with other fault conditions

precision_balancing_15 Preparing for the balance job- safety first

precision_balancing_16 The balancing checklist

precision_balancing_17 Single-plane balancing

precision_balancing_19 Two-plane balancing

precision_balancing_20 Optimized balancing

precision_balancing_21 One run balancing

precision_balancing_22 Static - couple balancing

precision_balancing_23 Balancing overhung rotors

precision_balancing_24 Four run, no phase balancing

precision_balancing_25 Trial weight selection

precision_balancing_26 Splitting - combining weights

precision_balancing_28 What can go wrong

precision_balancing_29 Tolerances and quality